Recherchepreis Ost europa

Strengthening reporting on Eastern Europe: That is the idea behind the ‘Research Prize for Eastern Europe’. It is awarded by the Protestant organisation Aktion Hoffnung für Osteuropa and the Catholic organisation Renovabis. The co-operation partner is the transnational network n-ost. The money is used to fund time-consuming research into social reports from the countries of Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe. The aim is to take a look at people's everyday lives, to address how they deal with social upheaval and to show the living conditions of marginalised groups.



Application criteria and documents for the current prize

The application phase for the Research Prize Eastern Europe 2025 is now open. Interested journalists are invited to submit their research projects that deal with topics from Eastern Europe.

How to apply

The application deadline for the Research Award Eastern Europe 2025 is 29 January 2025! The following documents are required:

  • Exposé (1-2 pages)
  • Research plan (1-2 pages) and budget
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Three previously published work samples

Please send these documents digitally only to:

Closing date for submissions: 29.01.2025

Questions and answers:

Award winners

Portrait Emilia Sulek & Danil Usamnov

Emilia Sulek & Danil Usamnov

Nur die Entschlossensten bleiben in Wilschany

‘For over two years, a brutal war has been raging in Ukraine in violation of international law. Far from the front line, however, there is another battle: publicising the conditions in care homes for children and young people, such as the one we will be visiting in Vilshany in Transcarpathia. Ukraine has been trying for years to implement a deinstitutionalisation reform. In Vilshany, this is a bottom-up process. Most of the residents of the home are disabled Roma children who experience a double marginalisation. Being here and documenting the struggle for a better everyday life and the heroism of those who are committed to it despite difficult working conditions is our small contribution to the discussion about what childcare should look like in post-war Ukraine.’

Portraits Anna Alboth & Nadine Wojcik

Anna Alboth & Nadine Wojcik

Aus Frauensicht: Alltag an der polnischen EU-Außengrenze

„Stellen Sie sich vor, sie sitzen abends gemütlich mit ihrer Familie vorm Fernsehen und hören Hilfeschreie aus dem angrenzenden Wald. Seit drei Jahren ist das Alltag in ostpolnischen Dörfern. Redaktionen im nur 750 Kilometer entfernten Berlin winken ab: Flüchtlinge an der polnisch-belarussischen Grenze - was ist denn da die Neuigkeit? Tatsächlich haben sich an der dramatischen Situation und den Menschenrechtsverletzungen seit 2021 erschreckend wenig geändert. Für mich genau der Grund, warum ich im polnischen Podlasie recherchieren möchte - mit Zeit und ausreichendem Reisebudget, wie es für mich als freiberufliche Journalistin sonst nicht möglich ist.“

2023 Irina Peter Kleine Schritte in Armenien
2023 Kolja Haaf Wenn Adler flügge werden
2021 Stefan Schocher & Matthias Schumann Verteilung von Corona-Impfstoff – ein Werkzeug der internationalen Politik?
2020 Nathalie Bertrams & Ingrid Gercama Schneeglöckchen aus Georgien Dokumentation Arte
2019 Robert Putzbach, Johanna-Maria Fritz und Philip Jokić Sozialreportage: Brain-Drain von Pflegekräften aus Serbien und Bosnien-Herzegowina
2019 Julia Lauter & Holger Fröhlich Kinder des Umbruchs TAZ
2018 Martin Theis & Fabian Weiss Tropfen auf den heißen Torf Greenpeace-Magazin
2017 Oliver Bilger & Ekaterina Anokhina Die Überlebenden von Majak Cicero, NZZ, ostpol
2017 Olivia Kortas Ungarn - Wenn Rechtspopulisten regieren Frankfurter Rundschau
2016 Simone Brunner & Florian Bachmeier Jugend in Trümmern
2016 Merle Hilbk & Andrey Sosnin Je weniger man weiß, desto besser schläft man
2015 Inna Hartwich Arbeitsmitgranten in Moskau
2016 Diana Laarz & Fabian Weiss Putin ante Portas
2015 Astrid Viciano Nach der Stille

About us

The Research Award Eastern Europe is a cooperation between Renovabis, Diakonie Württemberg/Hoffnung für Osteuropa and n-ost. These three partners join forces to promote and support reporting on Eastern Europe.

The Jury

The jury for the Research Prize for Eastern Europe is made up of renowned experts with in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in reporting on Eastern Europe.

Portrait Dr. Christian Böhme

Dr. Christian Böhme

Deputy Head of International Politics at Tagesspiegel

The world has become confusing. That is why it is becoming increasingly important to take a closer look - especially where there is a lack of attention, even though it is so important. This also and especially applies to Eastern Europe. The research prize enables stories that are worth being told by reporters.

Portrait Petra Bornhöft

Petra Bornhöft

Freelance journalist, formerly with taz and DER SPIEGEL

Journalists with a wealth of knowledge and surprising ideas repeatedly apply for the research prize. They shed light on problems that often go unnoticed but are important for the whole of Europe - and are increasingly looking for constructive solutions. It is a great pleasure for the jury to weigh up fairly which project could bring the greatest gain in knowledge for media users.

Portrait Matthias Dörr

Matthias Dörr

Head of the Communication and Cooperation Department at Renovabis

I am particularly fascinated by the short stories from Eastern Europe with committed protagonists. They say a lot about the societal and social realities that the research prize opens up access to.

Portrait Kerstin Holm

Kerstin Holm

Journalist (formerly FAZ) and author

Young journalists are interested in topics from Eastern Europe and are attracted by the difficult and resistant. The research prize draws attention to this important region, promotes understanding and cooperation and enables valuable reports that might otherwise not be possible. It is an honour to sit on the jury.

Portrait Dr. Anneke Hudalla

Dr. Anneke Hudalla

Journalist network n-ost

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, which came as a surprise to many, has shown once again: We know far too little about what is going on in Eastern Europe. The research prize not only promotes reporting on topics that otherwise receive little attention. It also supports cooperation between journalists from EU and non-EU countries. This is exactly the kind of journalism we need in Europe.

Portrait Matthias Rose

Diakon Matthias Rose

Deputy Chairman of the Allocation Committee of the Protestant campaign ‘Hoffung für Osteuropa’ at Diakonisches Werk Württemberg.

Our commitment is solidarity in action in a Europe of different conditions, events and burdens. The jointly awarded research prize always opens up new perspectives.

Portrait Sonja Zekri

Sonja Zekri

Journalist (Süddeutsche Zeitung) and author

In times of dwindling solidarity, the Research Prize for Eastern Europe draws attention to the weakest, the forgotten, but also to those who do not want to accept this. The applicants include many strong projects committed to humanism and truthfulness. This jury is a pleasure.


If you have any questions about the Recherchepreis Osteuropa or how to submit your application, please contact: